Identification of Quality Parameters for an E-Health Platform in the Federal State of Thuringia in Germany

Christina Pahl, Mojtaba Zare, Asmawi Bin Ahmad, Vesselin Detschew, Danny Ammon, Steffen Lehnert, Eko Supriyanto


Many developed countries experience an acute shortage of medical specialists beyond urbanized areas. Specialists and services that are available are usually concentrated in cities apart from the growing number elderly people, who represent the main part of the population in rural areas. These people underlie a growing risk of dementia and live in marginalized isolation apart from specialist support. With the recent development in information and communication technologies, new options for telemedicine and for general knowledge sharing at a distance are becoming increasingly accessible to medical specialists as well as geographically and demographically disadvantaged populations. This paper provides a selected insight into the current state of the art of an E-Health based platform on federal state levels in order to assist medical doctors, nursing services or family members, to communicate with each other. We conclude that such an interconnected platform is highly suitable for the federal state Thuringia in Germany, which is bearing a positive influence on the future of regional health care.


Dementia, Demographic changes, E-health, Regional healthcare, Technical process, Telemedicine platform, Thuringia

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