Evaluating the Barriers of Hospital Information System Implementation Using Analytic Network Processes (ANP) Method

Ali Ahani, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Hossein Ahmadi


Hospital Information System (HIS) refers to a computer system designed to manage all the hospital’s medical and administrative information in order to enable health professionals to perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently in order to provide high-quality patients care services. Nevertheless, in successful implementation of HIS, various barriers exist. Hence, in this study the dimensions and barriers of HIS implementation have been analysed and prioritized to aid hospital policy makers address these broad challenges effectively in terms of cost and time. To this end, the Analytic Network Processes (ANP) applied to investigate which factors are more important to be considered in HIS implementation. Two influential groups of respondents in HIS implementation were chosen to fulfil the survey who works as hospital managers and information technology department administrators. The findings of this study showed that technical problems related to system design, lack of organizational training, lack of powerful information networks, user dissatisfaction about content of system, privacy concern, and no incentive to use system, are the major barriers of HIS implementation. It is wished that by ranking of these barriers, policy makers during the planning for HIS utilization make a right decision in what to do.


Hospital Information System, Private hospital, Implementation, ANP

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