Green Information Systems Integration in Information Technology Based Organizations: An Academic Literature Review
In the last decades, environmental sustainability has become a significant organizational consideration. Yet, regardless of the ability of information systems (IS) to lower information technology (IT) based organizations’ adverse environmental effects has not been fully achieved. Research has shown that the integration of Green practices in IT based organization is still relatively low. In order to better understand how Green practices affect the formation and outcomes of IT based organizational projects. The integration of Green IS strategies and initiatives within organizations business activities has become a vital enterprise need. However existing scientific contributions and discussions in Green IS are mainly based on empirical surveys and case studies. Furthermore, little research has been undertaken to highlight the contribution of IT based organizations in integrating Green IS practices in their business process and only few review papers relating to Green IS has been published. Although, there has been other review papers published in this domain, no paper has reviewed how IT based organizations integrated Green practices into their day-to-day business process. Therefore this paper carried out a literature review to synthesize and extract data from existing academic publications to review and report the current Green IS practices integration in IT based organizations. Findings from this review presents the sustainability goals to be attained and also shows that currently IT based organizations are beginning to integrate Green IS strategies and initiatives in their business process but are encouraged and at times limited by determinants (enablers and inhibitors).
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