Service Combination Using Lagrange Optimization Method and Evolutionary Algorithm

Mojtaba Hajihasani Bafghi, Sima Emadi


Various methods on the combination of web services have been implemented in the past. Each one of these methods is aimed at achieving an optimal service combination among the numerous ones; however, each method suffered from some disadvantages, regardless of its advantages. The selection of a suitable approach is key to adopting an optimal web service combination. The present study tackles the investigation of the Lagrange optimization method, which is a systematic approach based on the minimum distance between the user’s request and the Lagrange curve. The results obtained from using the Lagrange optimization method indicated that this method provides a yielding output compared to other methods of web service combination. Also, given the features of Lagrange functions, it can be concluded that the Lagrange method can be used for higher service quality modes and settle multi-objective problems, while this might be unrealized in other related methods. Finally, the evolutionary algorithm of Single_EA (Single Evolutionary Algorithm) was used to implement the plan.


Evolutionary algorithm; optimization of Lagrange; web service combination; web service

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