Evaluating the Knowledge Management Practices in State Welfare Organization (Behzisti): Application of Fuzzy MCDM Approach
This study aims to evaluate the most important knowledge management practices in Behzisti organizations through integrating fuzzy set theory with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The most important criteria for the evaluation of knowledge management practices are gathered through the literature survey. This study suggests a model based on fuzzy multiple criteria decision making, including the fuzzy Delphi method and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP). In the fuzzy Delphi method step of the study, 21 practices were selected from among a total of 74 knowledge management practices and categorized from four perspectives. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was used for the ranking of knowledge management practices in three Behzisti organizations. Results of this study indicated that the information technology infrastructure from a technological perspective was ranked as the first most important factor and human resource management from organizational perspective as the second.
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