The Role of Demographic Factors on Academic Social Networking Sites Use Behaviour from Academic Researchers Perspective
Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNS) is one of the important tools to facilitate the development of international collaborations among researchers. Academic researchers at different disciplines and different levels of their research activities are becoming more interested in ASNSs. Many factors impede using collaboration technology among academic researchers. Demography is one of those factors. The purpose of this paper is therefore to find out the differences among academic researchers’ ASNS use behaviour in terms of demographic factors. Due to lack of ASNSs studies especially which studies regarding the different type of ASNS users, the result of this research gains its importance. Survey-based questionnaire has been used for this study. Hypotheses were tested using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) on data collected from 628 ASNS users. The results show that gender, age and experience are not significant predictors to academic researchers’ ASNS use behaviour.
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