Wireless Sensor Network and Web Application Hybrid Scheme for Healthcare Monitoring

Nabeel Salih Ali, Zaid Abdi Alkareem Alyasseri


Problems on healthcare delivery have become the current concern in most studies in the academe and industries. These studies have been conducted by using evolving technical solutions. These solutions are driven by technological advancements both in medical sensors and low-power networked systems. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) prompted the emergence of most healthcare systems in recent years. This work proposes a system architecture for a remote healthcare monitoring system using pulse sensor and temperature sensor to measure the physiological parameters including Heart Pulse (HP) and temperature of patients. The presented system is evaluated using several persons with different ages, gender, and situations. The conducted technique is achieved respecting to the cost of service, signal quality, and quality of service. Finally, the current system is effective given that all reported results are standard values.


Healthcare monitoring, Body sensor networks, Sensor, Heart pulse, Body temperature

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