Traffic Control Thermal-Aware Routing in Body Area Networks
Due to increasing developments of medical science, early detection and receiving exact information in treatment of diseases and even preventing them are very important. Body Area Networks (BANs), a subset of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), can deliver vital signs of patients to physician by collecting and analysis of patients' data and with applying different types of medical sensors. Since in-vivo sensors nodes transfer biomedical data to the neighboring nodes, produced temperature will be appeared from processing and communications in the human body. Routing protocols can have important role in balancing the temperature of sensors. In this paper, a thermal-aware routing protocol is proposed which uses two thresholds. The first threshold is used for preventing the increase of more temperature and the second threshold is used for decreasing sensor temperature. We evaluate the performance of the protocol using extensive simulations. The results of simulation show that the proposed protocol improves average temperature rise, packet delivery ratio and packet delay compared to the similar routing protocols.Â
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