Systematic Phases for Proposing a New Model of Qualifications Gap Based on Network Technician Data

Karrar Hameed Abdulkareem, Mohd Sanusi Azmi, Nabeel Salih Ali, Mohammed Nasser Al-Mhiqani, Haider Alsharqi


Workers in the Information Technology (IT) sector are employed, selected, and evaluated based on specific qualifications. Qualifications are chosen according to an organisation’s views. Literature has examined several metrics such as skill, knowledge, ability, attitude certification, education and experience in industrial and academic areas. However, a few studies have tested the effects of Qualifications Gap (QG) among IT personnel in public universities. This study introduces a methodological framework to measure the influence of lack of the education, experience, and certification on Qualifications Gap (QG) among network technicians in Baghdad’s public universities. The research methodology includes preliminary study, literature review, data collection and analysis, proposal, and evaluation. Data are collected from 70 respondents through an online survey to test the proposed hypotheses. Four experts validated survey results through a structured interview. Most of the feedback of the experts matched the results of the questionnaire. The outcome of the study is a QG model for network technicians. The presented models that previously established models in industrial and public areas are compared, and the effects of the proposed factors are evaluated. The conducted model can be used as a reference by decision makers in public universities to enhance the level of the job handling by network technicians and to set employment requirements in the networking field.


Network management, Technician knowledge, Certification, Education, Experience, Qualifications Gap (QG)

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