All-Inclusive Feature for Delivering Video Content in Cellular Networks Using Small Stations

Azam Barfar, Mohsen Mahrami, Behnam Hadi


With the advancement of technology, demand for video traffic is still increasing, and on the other hand, the frequency spectrum in cellular networks is saturated. In addition, to the important issue of saturation of the frequency spectrum, video traffic is another important factor for cellular networks, which is a high quality video service. If in a cellular network all users traditionally demand a high-traffic video from the central station, it may not be possible for the quality video data to reach the user and in the user's term, the problem of lack of proper service quality will be encountered. Assisting stations allow users to get better quality, faster speed and timely delivery of their video traffic requests by providing the new platform. In this paper, we have modelled the network, considering that at a given time, several users are requesting a high-res content, and the result is that the helping stations can respond to the needs of several users at a single time. The higher popularity of the file is, the more users are satisfied, and the amount of unloaded traffic has increased. In this paper, we showed that even with a limited number of files stored in the network using Zeta's distribution, a significant amount of traffic has been evacuated by unconnected communications through small stations. We set the average number of users under different network conditions, and the average rate of sending data is calculated and optimized through all-inclusive links.


Content delivery, Zeta distribution, Cellular networks, Small stations, All-in-one communications

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