The Application of Clustering Technique to Water Quality of Surabaya River
Surabaya river is the source of the raw water used people in Surabaya to satisfy their daily needs. Surabaya river flow starts from Mlirip (Mojokerto) as upstream past the Sidoarjo, Gresik, and until the downstream that is Jagir Wonokromo (Surabaya). The background research studies because the water surface in Surabaya decreased perceived water quality is constantly increasing as a result most of the liquid industrial waste discharged from human activities into the channel that empties in Surabaya either directly or indirectly. Water pollutant components Surabaya river is known biological oxygen demand known as BOD, chemical oxygen demand known as COD, total suspend solid known as TSS, and dissolved oxygen known as DO. Even for biological oxygen demand components at some point status monitor heavy polluted with concentrations exceeding waterquality class sub-cleanness. K-means is one of a method for clustering objects based on their characteristics. Object of study in this research is a point source the disposal of industrial wastewater empties in Surabaya river in 2013. The first step of this research study is the normalization of water quality data biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total suspend solid and dissolved oxygen in Surabaya river. The results of this step is the concentration of data which are in the range of 0 and 1. Concentrations were normalized value applied to K-means resulting in a model that desceibes the shape of the distibution of pollutants proximity region gruop. From the result obtained K-means suitability of water quality of each region along the Surabaya river is formed of similarity and attribute similarity. Davies Bouldin Index  is an internal evaluation scheme, for cluster validation of K-means. From the results of the cluster validation, Davies Bouldin Index values obtained for 53.742. DBI value obtained is minimal DBI to the number of 672 iterations. This paper not only theoretically situation, the water quality of Surabaya river by clustering technique, but also get a conclusion of pollutant with five cluster becomes the best value Davies Bouldin Index.
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