Proposing a Model for Analysing Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance of Students: A Case Study of Allameh Tabatabai University
Online social networks are found these days among all generations of internet users so that they have become a noticeable communicative tool especially for scholars and students. Academies' and faculties are increasingly using the social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Research Gate etc., for communication with potential university students as well as providing educational content. The present study aims to examine the effects of virtual social networks on educational level of the students. The social networks in Iran have never been studied in terms of the time spent on the social networks and their effects on academies performance. For this purpose, some questionnaires' in Likert spectrum were used in order to ensure the questionnaires' reliability, which were confirmed by the Political Sciences and Law Faculty. Questionnaires' validity was then confirmed by Cronbach-a at 0.821. The sample under study consists of 144 students from political sciences and law faculty of Allameh Tabatabai University. The samples were chosen randomly based on SPSS 22 and smart PLS. The obtained results suggested that there's a significant negative relation between the time spent on the social networks and the academic performance. The results also revealed that more attention to the social networks has no impact on the academic performance. In addition, factors such as students' features, their academic capabilities, prediction of their behaviors like their perception of social attitude towards social networks and their tendency toward virtual social networks are related to convenience of using the social networks. There's a relation between academic capabilities and the time spent on online social networks.
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