A Model for Customers Satisfaction and Trust for Mobile Banking Using DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success
The aim of this study is to present a new model for customer satisfaction and trust with the mobile banking services. We employ DeLone and McLean model of Information Systems success to develop our model. The model included three main factors, information quality, service quality and system quality, of DeLone and McLean model and investigated the impact of these factors on customer trust and satisfaction. The data is collected by the use of 5 point Likert scale survey questions from the customers of City Bank in Iran. The data was analysed by structural equations modelling in SmartPLS software. The results of this study show that trust in mobile banking has a positive impact on the customer satisfaction. In assessing the system quality and the information quality with the mobile banking, it was determined that system quality and information quality have positive effects on the customer trust and satisfaction. The results also demonstrated that there is no significant relationships between the system quality, the information quality and customer satisfaction. The results of this research can be used by the banks’ managers and policy makers to better understand the customers’ need in the mobile banking services.
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