Effect of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on University Performance and Students Satisfaction: A Case Study on Islamic Azad University of Tehran Electronic Branch
Electronic Customer Relation Management (e-CRM) is a repaid growing technology which many organizations worldwide are using to improve their electronic service or are planning to implement it. The system proved to have positive effects on customer-oriented approach and consequently on the performance of organizations. In this regard, the present paper aims to provide a framework which examines the effects of e-CRM on the performance of universities and students satisfaction in electronic branch of Islamic Azad University. The data collection is performed using Likert-based questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaire was also achieved through Cronbach's alpha. Using random sampling, 150 students were chosen as the study population. Students were all from Islamic Azad University of Tehran electronic branch. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the proposed model and analysis the hypotheses. The results of data analysis suggest that students' commitment and privacy protection had no influence on e-CRM system while factors such as trust, convenience and high-quality electronic system have a significant influence on e-CRM system. In addition, e-CRM system and students' information management had positive impacts on the performance of university and increased the students' satisfaction. While studying the mediating role of students' information management showed that e-CRM had a positive influence on students' satisfaction and university performance. Our research findings can help the universities to consider those important factors for improving the satisfaction of the students and accordingly the performance of university.
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