Investigating the Effect of Business Intelligence on Business Value Creation
Business Intelligence (BI), a technology-driven process, is considered as a strategic tool which includes the technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis of business information. The purpose of this study is to present a new model to investigating the effect of business intelligence on business value creation. A comprehensive literature review is conducted to identify the factors for the model development. The case study of this research is one of the research institute in Iran. The statistical population of this study is 90 employees of the institute which have been selected by simple random sampling. The researcher designed a Likert-based questionnaire to collect the data from this sample. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the experts in the field of business. The reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. The results of regression analysis showed that variables of operational and strategic capabilities of business intelligence are effective in business value creation. In addition, the results indicated that knowledge management has a positive mediating effect on the relationships between operational capabilities of business intelligence and business value creation, and strategic capabilities of business intelligence and business value creation.
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