Role of Mobile Health in Self-Care of Type II Diabetes Patients: A Literature Review

Hossein Ahmadi, Zeinab Mahdian, Farahnaz Sadoughi, Tania Azadi, Leila Gholamhosseini


Diabetes is a progressive metabolic chronic disorder and a major public health problem increasing worldwide particularly in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC). Self-care makes patients to be involved in their own care and make decisions about treatment options offered by their clinician. The aim of this paper is to investigate role of mobile health in self-care of type II diabetes patients. To this end, all published papers related to the research topic were investigated from 2006 to 2018. To find the relevant Persian and English papers, six national and international databases including SID, Irandoc, Magiran, PubMed, Science Direct and ProQuest were searched using Persian and English keywords. The number of 270 papers were retrieved and after considering inclusion and exclusion criteria, 9 papers were recognized to be relevant. Results indicated that using cellphone based text messaging alone or together with other telemedicine methods can have a positive impact on the HbA1c level control, self-efficacy and foot ulcer treatment.


Diabetes type II, Mobile health, Self-care, Literature review

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