A New Algorithm to Improve the QOS of MANET Network in Media Access Layer
In this paper, the IEEE 802.11 standard DCF algorithm is used in the media access layer to improve the quality of service features including latency, delay and vibration delays. The characteristics examined for service quality vary according to the application of the contingency network. As a result, various applications have been introduced to improve service quality. In general, the DCF algorithm is divided into two subsets called the base DCF algorithm and the DCF algorithm with the sending of RTS / CTS packets. Then, to investigate and demonstrate the ability of the proposed High Quality Performance of Traffic Based Adaptive (HQPTBA) and High Quality Size Based Adaptive (HQSBA) algorithms to improve the quality of service, NS2 software was used to compare delay characteristics, network latency, and delay vibration. The results of the comparison show that due to the greater flexibility of the proposed algorithms as well as the separation of packets by size, the HQSBA algorithm has improved service quality characteristics compared to other previous methods.
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