A Method for Deploying Relay Nodes in Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Using Particle Optimization Algorithm

Behnaz Mahdian, Mohsen Mahrami, Mohsen Mohseni


There are many methods for deploying relay nodes in wireless sensor networks with the aim of increasing network lifetime and reducing energy consumption. To overcome the issue, in this research, we first set the set of probe points for the establishment of relay nodes, since our goal is to minimize the number of relay nodes and increase the coupling between relays and sensors. This problem is NP-hard, so in order to solve this problem in a short time, the particle optimization algorithm using a weighted multifunctional function as a meta-burgh solution was used. We used this algorithm for determining the number and location of the placement relay nodes to reduce the number of nodes and increase network lifetime and network performance. We evaluated this proposed method for both theoretical analysis and numerical results. The results showed that  the proposed approach provide better results compared to the greedy algorithms and particle optimizations.


Wireless Sensor networks, Relay node, Particle optimization algorithm

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