4µW RMS-to-DC Converter in 180nm Technology Process for Biomedical Applications
This paper presents a low power RMS-to-DC converter for biomedical applications using CMOS transistors. This converter is designed by fewer number of transistors to reduce the power consumption as well as complexity so that only 18 transistors are included to build up the circuit. To make the circuit suitable for biomedical application, CMOS transistors operate in subthreshold region helping with reducing the power dissipation. This circuit takes the advantages of current-mode approach and translinear principle to make the circuit performance suitable for biomedical purposes and better than previous state-of-the-art works. Mathematical operations have been done for better understanding of the circuit operation. To verify the circuit performance, simulations have been done through H-spice in 180nm technology process to validate the analysis and topology of this converter. Based on the simulation results, the circuit has a low power of 4µW, low supply voltage of 0.9V, low relative error of 6%, bandwidth of 3 MHz, and input range of 50nA-450nA.
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