Design a Tracking Control Law for the Nonlinear Continuous Time Fuzzy Polynomial Systems

Roozbeh Salimi Taremi, Pouria Karimi Shahri, Arian Yousefyan Kalareh


In this paper, the method of designing a tracking control law for fuzzy polynomial systems is investigated. In the proposed method, which is a generalization of the existing methods, the nonlinearities of the system are also considered. Therefore, a wide range of systems can be controlled using this approach. The output feedback control rule is considered based on the structure of the observer and the controller. The closed-loop system stability and performance conditions will be extracted in the format of the sum of squares by guaranteeing H? tracking index. The proposed method is a generalization of the tracking control law design for Sugeno fuzzy systems. The numerical simulation results show the performance of the proposed method.  


Polynomial fuzzy systems, Tracking control rule, Sum of squares observer controller, Infinite norm, Takagi-Sugeno, Nonlinear continues time

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