Exploring Potential Factors in Total Hospital Information System Adoption
The Total Hospital Information System (THIS) is a computerized hospital information system aimed at providing a paperless environment that has been designed to provide numerous values to the healthcare community and indirectly provide benefits to the patients. Although the benefits of adopting THIS innovation are well known, only a few hospitals in Malaysia have actually adopted it. Surprisingly, there is scarcity of research specifically in the context of Malaysia related to THIS adoption. Therefore, by relying on secondary data the aim of this study is to provide a literature review of THIS adoption in the context of Malaysia and as well to explore the potential factors that are connected to the hospitals’ adoption intention of THIS technology. In other words, the study at hand aims an in-depth understanding of the related potential factors for the purpose of improving the recently reluctant trend of THIS adoption in Malaysia. To this end, this study developed a conceptual framework on the basis of Technology Organization Environment (TOE) framework for the adoption of THIS by Malaysian hospitals. This can result the more understanding of potential factors that decision makers should be aware of and pay attention to successfully adopt and spread the THIS technology across hospitals.
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