Coronavirus Outbreak and its Impacts on Global Economy: The Role of Social Network Sites
Because of Wuhan 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak around the world, global trade and supply chains have been interrupted by the uncertainties of this unexpected event. In this situation, customers and businesses need to make the right decisions at the right time. Social networking sites have become important for information sharing and online business effectiveness and played important roles in this unexpected event for the customers and businesses to make the right decisions with limited information. They can be a good choice to share information in real-time as they are recognized as a significant tool for public health and economic development. This work highlights the impact of Coronavirus outbreak on the global economy and the role of social network sites in sharing the customers' and businesses' information and concerns about the Coronavirus outbreak. The paper concludes with some examples of travelers’ concerns along with their feedback on social networking sites and recommendations for future works.
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