An Examination on the Effects of Technology Acceptance Model in Electronic Human Resource Management

Javad Shahreki, Hasmida Jamaluddin, Audrey Lim Li Chin, Shiva Hashemi, Hiroshi Nakanishi


The aim of the current study was to explore the relationship between clarity of electronic human resource management (e-HRM) goals, social influence, apparent usefulness, user satisfaction, user support, apparent ease of use, and mediating conditions and their influence on users’ attitude regarding e-HRM. Accordingly, a sample of 167 HRs from Fortune Global 500 companies in Malaysia were selected. The technology acceptance model (TAM) was used to demonstrate these relationships. The findings revealed that, all the constructs had a positive relationship with each other. Furthermore, apparent ease of use, user satisfaction and apparent usefulness are all essential indicators that reveal the attitude of HR professionals regarding e-HRM usage, thus user education and support are essential processes in e-HRM implementation.


Electronic human resource management, TAM, Perceived usefulness, Implementation, Malaysia

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