Capability of Social Network Tools for Home Business
The purpose of this paper is to understand how social network can be useful for persons who want to develop their own social network. The capability of social network tools illustrate in this paper for those who interest to setting up their own home business. This objective is achieved based on using literature review and analysis of qualitative data from seventeen people who are working and have an experience in this issue. After analysing the data, findings show that home business owner from both product and service oriented concerns utilize Social Network Tools (SNTs) such as Facebook seventeen people, Linkendin and Twitter both of them eight persons respectively for their business. Among them Facebook is the most popular and almost useful for their home business. The reason is that Facebook has more clients than other social networks and also its facilities are more attractive for users. Approximately most of the respondents agree that SNTs provide great opportunity for advertising products and marketing with low cost and to build a global business from scratch also it provides global access to users. In light of this, marketing, advertising and after sale support following by communication are four top most functions which have the most dominant among various business activities for home business through SNTs. The paper provides evidence, first, the most activities that can utilize social networks are marketing, advertising and after sale support also sells service subscriptions and relationship with sponsors. Second, SNTs can be used to introduce new products and vacancies can be announced more ever home business owners can daily update and keep the users and potential customers updated too. Finally, catch up strength and capability of SNT for enhance home business.
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