Developing an Integrated Decision Making Framework for Evaluating Hotel Website under Fuzzy Environment

Meysam Ramyar, Amran Hamzah, Norhazliza Halim


Assessing hotels’ website based on several evaluative attributes is a critical issue for the managers in this industry. This study applies VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje under fuzzy environment (FVIKOR) to assess hotels’ website performance with respect to 12 attributes. First, the evaluative factors were chosen by the experts. Then, using triangular fuzzy number, the data set were gathered. The main objectives of this paper are to prepare the most effective attributes in evaluating hotels’ websites. Moreover, developing a decision model for assessing the performance of hotels is another objective of this research. 


Performance evaluation, Hotel industry, Website, FVIKOR

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