The Impact of Environmental Sustainability on Wellbeing and Learning Performance of Female Students
This research investigates the effect of environmental sustainability on students’ wellbeing and learning performance. A comprehensive literature is conducted to identify those environmental sustainability factors for the development of a new model for learning performance. We measure the effect of environmental sustainability on the students wellbeing. We aim to reveal the interrelationships among the environmental sustainability factors to better measure the effect of wellbeing. In addition, we find the relationship between wellbeing and learning performance. To do so, we adopt Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory system to show whether an improvement on the students wellbeing will effect on the students learning effectiveness. The data is collected from the female students at a university in Malaysia. The results showed that students’ learning performance can be significantly influenced by environmental sustainability. The proposed model will help the universities managers and practitioners to consider the best solutions to improve the environmental sustainability of universities for students’ wellbeing which is the key target of managing the socio-economic systems.
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