Adoption of Educational Social Network Sites in Teaching and Learning: A Task-Technology Fit Perspective
Different classes of people, especially students benefit from the advantages of Social Network Sites (SNS). Although commercial types of SNS, including Facebook and LinkedIn, are commonly used by the students, there are few studies on the educational SNS, including Edmodo. A research model has been provided in the present study based on the Task Technology Fit (TTF) theory in order to examine the factors which are mainly unexplored and may affect the utilization of educational SNS in the process of teaching and learning. Distribution of the questionnaires was carried out among 317 students of the technological university in Malaysia, according to purposive sampling. Data analysis was performed by SmartPLS2.0, the results of which indicated considerable impacts of Communication, Mobility, Trust, and Privacy as the features of technology on TTF. Accordingly, negative effects of task non-routineness and the positive effects of task interdependence on TTF were reported. At the same time, direct examination of adopting SNS in the process of teaching and learning was done using the fit between task and technology features.
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