Associated Advantages and Challenges of Augmented Reality in Educational Settings: A Systematic Review
As a novel technology, Augmented Reality (AR) has gained a lot of attention in the education sector. Augmented reality in the education field offers new ways of learning and teaching. Augmented reality eliminates the gap between the real world and the virtual world. Regardless of the increasing number of studies in the augmented reality area, there is still a lack of studies that integrate and synthesize this body of knowledge. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct a systematic literature review to gain insights into existing empirical studies of AR and understanding the current state of research regarding AR in education. From the review of the studies, we recognized 40 primary studies focusing on AR in the education field. The results of this study disclose a growth in the number of augmented reality studies during the last three years. Moreover, several challenges and numerous advantages of using augmented reality technology in the educational setting were extracted and discussed. The results of this study can help scholars by providing a roadmap of augmented reality technology and highlighting guidelines for the successful implementation of the augmented reality systems in educational settings.
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