Big Data Analysis Using Multi-Layer Distributed Fog Computing for Smart City Applications

Tofigh Asbaghi, Mohsen Bagheri Zefrei, Mohsen Tarighi


The concept of Big Data Analysis (BDA) due to the Internet of Things (IoT) applications in Smart Cities (SCs) has been changing meaningfully in these days. That is to say, the basic concept of Smart City, which was introduced and has been under investigation since several years ago, is not new. However, implementation of Smart City Network, due to the wide variety of sensors used in the network, and the analysis of the actual big-data gathered by these sensors, meets crucial challenges. Fog computing is a good candidate capable of handling the above-mentioned issues. In this paper, a novel multi-layered distributed-on-edges of the network computing model is proposed. The presented model, using a modular and hierarchical structure, can greatly alleviate and speed up the inherent complexity and drawbacks of BDA in smart cities.


Smart City, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Edge Computing, Big Data Analysis

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