Factors Influencing Consumer's Intention to Use Recommendation Agents

Seyedeh OMSalameh Pourhashemi, Ehram Safari, Amirmohammad Alidoust Moazezi Lahijan


The internet allows us to quickly access any information we want, but the increased volume of information causes an overload. In e-commerce, Recommender Systems (RS) assist users of e-service providers as a tool to access appropriate information proportionate to their needs with the least amount of effort and complete confidence in a short period of time. The research under consideration seeks to influence consumers' attitudes toward recommendation agents in recommender systems on e-commerce websites. We conducted our research on the Digikala website, which is one of Iranian's most popular e-commerce sites. The data came from 384 customers, and structural equation modeling was used to test statistical hypotheses. Our analysis of the collected data revealed that all of the hypotheses in the model were accepted. According to the findings, all factors such as perceived accuracy, perceived diversity, perceived novelty, recommendation quality, recommendation transparency, explanation, perceived risk, ease of use, usefulness, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty have a significant impact on the intention to purchase a product recommended by recommender systems. The proposed model assists online store managers in improving their website RSs and increasing product sales through improved customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it can help them gain loyalty and thus increase trust.


Recommender System, Satisfaction, Trust, Intention to Use, E-Commerce

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