Investigating a New Framework for Hospital Information System Adoption: A Case on Malaysia

Hossein Ahmadi, Othman Ibrahim, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi


Hospital Information System (HIS) has been designed to provide numerous values to the healthcare community and indirectly provide benefits to the patients. Despite this only a few hospitals in Malaysia have actually adopted it, thus this paper  by relying on secondary data aims to provide more insight to the literature review of HIS adoption in the context of Malaysia. In light of this, the study introduces a new combination of three theories namely Technology Organization Environment (TOE) framework, institutional theory along with Human Organization Technology (HOT-fit) model to address the slow rate of HIS adoption by Malaysian public hospitals. We argue that each theoretical perspective has its own explanatory power and that a combination of these three facilitate a much richer interpretation of Information System (IS) implementation regarding the macro-level analysis. Thus, it is hoped, to represent some directions for future research to demonstrate the relationship existing in our new proposed research framework where hospitals by paying attention may take an action in order to achieve a better HIS adoption decision making.


Public hospitals, HIS, Adoption decision, TOE framework, Institutional theory, HOT-fit model

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