The Security Awareness Framework for Social Network Sites Facebook: Case Study in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Social networking sites are web-based services that enable users to create public or semi-public profile in a bounded system. Facebook is one of the largest and most populated prototypes of social network sites. The security management on Facebook have been important and there are many concerns raised about the amount of personal information disclosed to Facebook users, and how Facebook violates the weaknesses of users’ Facebook privacy awareness. In addition, there is a little awareness for employing continuous privacy mechanisms amid active users of Facebook. Hence, this study examines Facebook usage and information disclosure, friends’ requests and friends’ responding, users’ awareness of privacy settings and usage of privacy setting applications. The study also investigates the security awareness factors that impact Facebook users. Accordingly, a conceptual framework is proposed which includes three interrelated components consisting of the users’ privacy awareness, Facebook privacy settings and the users’ self-disclosure. This study uses the data analysis method called quantitative data analysis and a questionnaire is used for data collection from the respondents. After the data collection and data analyses, the findings of this study demonstrated that the majority of the respondents disclose massive amounts of individual information including basic personal private details, background information and contact details. The findings also revealed that most of the users are not interested to read the privacy policy and terms of service because they are long and complicated to read. Finally, the study put forward Facebook’s privacy conceptual framework and effective guiding principles that will assist the users when interacting with Facebook privacy application features.
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