Simulation of Class Based Weighted Fair Queue Algorithm on an IP Router Using OPNET

Idris Zakariyya, M Nordin A Rahman


Network traffics and congestion control are becoming complex and critical issue due to the emergence of modern multimedia internet applications. Industries and universities are facing the critical challenges of providing the required internet services demanded by the users. Global and rapid internet access slows down the network performance and degrades quality of service. Efficient scheduling mechanism plays a significant role in the sharing of network resources effectively during the period of congestion. Generally, as part of resource allocation algorithm, each router must implement certain scheduling algorithm that governs the order of packets transmission in a network. In this paper a class-based weighted fair queuing (CBWFQ) algorithm is proposed and simulated along side with first-in-first-out (FIFO) and custom queue (CQ) scheduling algorithms on an IP router using OPNET simulation software. The arrivals and service rate of the applications traffics classes are modelled to follows the poisons and exponential distribution based on Markov-Chain queuing model. The HTTP, FTP, video and voice application traffics are configured in the network environment using the applications and profiles configuration objects. Additionally, discrete event simulations statistic is collected and recorded. Simulations graphs of various scenarios are studied and analyzed critically. Results revealed the efficient performance improvement of the proposed class-based weighted fair queue algorithm compared with the selected traditional queuing scheduling algorithms. In general, in terms of packets loss and queuing delay, the proposed algorithm demonstrated an excellent performance with a very low probability of dropping packets and minimal queuing delay. Overall the study contributed on the use of scheduling algorithm on network router for proper traffic control and management.


Algorithm, Markov-Chain, Packets Scheduling, Traffic Management, OPNET Simulator

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