Iris Recognition System based on Canny and LoG Edge Detection Methods
Iris recognition has obtained an incredible consideration in a variety of fields such as border areas, industrial areas, security susceptible areas and so on. In the eye, sclera and iris are utilized since the prior inputs employing to identify the eye with various systems such as segmentation incorporating with various versions. The internal edge in the eye isn't an ordinary circle that might produce difficulty in accurate recognition. In segmentation step, when the image is usually having a smaller amount texture after that it causes iris legacy. In order to develop a good iris authentication algorithm for individual identification, the presented paper recognize iris images by utilizing two edge detection approaches like Canny and Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) to reduce the noisy data and detect the edges. The experimental result shows that Canny edge detector can better detect the edges than LoG.
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Courtesy of National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
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