Investigating a Theoretical Framework for E-book Technology Acceptance

Moamar Elyazgi, Othman Ibrahim, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Salem Elyazgi, Waheeb Abu-Ulbeh, Abdallah Rayhan


Nowadays, the schools pay attention to use the technology, which is still in growing. Electronic book or (e-book) technology becomes as an important tool in learning to help the school children in their learning. Although A few schools have adopted the e-book technology in Malaysia, consequently this research purpose is to provide more investigation to the literature review of e-book technology acceptance and adoption in Malaysian schools. This study introduces a new integration of Child Computer Interaction (CCI) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to address the adoption and acceptance of e-book technology by school children at schools in Malaysia. This study discusses and explains the key idea of by what method to formulate a theoretical framework of technology acceptance. In the theoretical framework, the main constructs that are expected to influence behaviour intention use of e-book at Malaysian schools will be proposed and discussed. Therefore, it is hoped that this study has presented some insights and directions for future research to demonstrate the relationship existing in our new proposed research theoretical framework where the schools by paying attention may take an action in order to achieve a better e-book technology adoption and acceptance decision making

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