Warpage Prediction in Injection Molding Using Artificial Neural Network

Nur Asyikin Mohamad Halimin, Azlan Mohd Zain, Muhammad Firdaus Azman


Finding optimal parameters setting which produce minimum warpage value in injection molding always a big challenging. The traditional method which based on trial and error and workers knowledge and experiences required a lot of time and costs. Artificial neural Network (ANN) is modelling which has been used widely in many areas. In this study, ANN is used as modelling technique in predicting the optimal parameters setting that lead to minimum warpage value in injection molding. As the results, ANN model successfully improves the warpage value by 0.02% compare to experiment result with 39.68°C for cooling temperature, 2.183s for injection time , 97.43% for V/P switchover and 39.07°C for mold temperature.


Warpage;Injection Molding;Artificial Neural Network

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