Topographical Features for Senior Adult Age Estimation

Ghalib A. Salman Salih, Gazali Sulong


Automatic age estimation provided efficient solution for many applications in our life. One of the most significant biometric in estimating a human age is the face; since it is the most captured biometric and it contains a lot of age information embedded in it. Senior adult faces contain the most obvious age progression signs such as, wrinkles, lines and skin roughness; such features are produced by skin sagging and providing a lot of information about age progression. Representing wrinkles using ordinary lines or edges loses significant information. In this paper we propose modelling the 2D polynomial for the face image in order to increase the quality of the extracted features, then topographical features are extracted to represent age signs on human faces in senior adult ages; the most efficient features are selected using proposed features selection technique. Proposed features provided noticeable increment in extracted information, and the classification accuracy. Compared to the state of art, proposed features yielded encouraging results.


Age Anticipation, Senior-Adult Ages, Age Progression Signs, Features Optimization and, Topographical Features

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