Evaluating the Factors Affecting Adoption of Hospital Information System Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Hossein Ahmadi, Ali Ahani, Othman Ibrahim, Alireza Almaee


The aim of this study is to provide more insight within the context of Malaysia to understand the potential factors that importantly driving or inhibiting the HIS adoption. In this study, an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model is developed to determine the most important factors among the four categories, which are based on the integrated Information System (IS) theories for HIS adoption in the context of Malaysian public hospitals. These factors are identified and compared by hospital experts and decision makers, who are fully familiar with HIS technology in the healthcare industry. Then AHP is applied to compute the weights of incorporated factors in the HIS adoption model. This can result at fostering the uptake of HIS and facilitating its reluctant trend by improving the decision of hospitals towards HIS adoption in Malaysia, however not limited to other countries.


Public hospitals, HIS, Adoption decision, DOI theory, TOE framework, Institutional theory, HOT-fit model, AHP

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