Using Knowledge Management to Improve Customer Relationship Management: A Systematic Literature Review

Arash Khosravi, Ab Razak Che Hussin


Today’s economy is a knowledge-based economy in which knowledge is a crucial facilitator for individuals, as well as being an instigator of success. The companies intend to integrate knowledge management (KM) with their customer relationship management (CRM) since they consider that KM plays a crucial role in the success of CRM. This research aims to systematically analyze integration between KM and CRM from three aspects, namely: benefits of integrating KM with CRM, types of customer knowledge in CRM and models displaying integration of KM and CRM. We carried out a systematic literature review of empirical studies on integration models which was published in the last decade (2001–2015). We have recognized 35 primary studies related to the purpose of this research. After considering these studies, we found that, by integration of KM and CRM, companies can achieve their goals faster, and with higher quality and cost effective than their competitors. KM needs to implement in all CRM business process so organizational culture and structure and management support are important for successful integration of KM and CRM.


Customer Relationship Management, Knowledge Management, Customer Knowledge Management, Customer Knowledge

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