Co-opetition Strategy and Its Relationship with Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation in Iranian Biotechnology Industry
Studies confirmed on the role of network factors to extensively influence firm’s market orientation. Co-opetition suggests that companies can interact in competing environment due to conflicting interests, and at the same time co-operate due to common interests for achieving pro-activeness and responsiveness market orientation. Yet little research has been done to investigate the association between market orientation approaches and interfirm network strategies. A sample of 107 small, medium and large companies took part in this research. Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach to Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to explain the pro-activeness and responsiveness market orientation. The results show that co-opetition strategy regarding the trust, cooperation and competition between competitors can affect responsive and proactive market orientation. The conclusion is that, co-opetition is an important phenomenon that should be taken into consideration by marketing planners. The model has contributed to the context of market orientation and practically, serves as a tool for companies to become more market oriented, specifically those in the biotechnology industry.
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