Multi-level Model for the Adoption of Hospital Information System: A Case on Malaysia

Hossein Ahmadi, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Alireza Almaee, Mohammad Soltani, Mojtaba Zare, Amin Babazadeh Sangar, Mohammad Osmani, Othman Ibrahim, Mehdi Khademi Gerashi, Mahdi Razghandi, Mojtaba Alizadeh, Ali Akbar Hozhabri


Hospital Information System (HIS) is an integrated Information System (IS) designed to enhance clinical, financial and administrative functions of a hospital. HIS is important in the healthcare industry as it supports a wide range of highly specialized health-care tasks and services. Previous research shows that the trend of HIS adoption is slow with respect to Malaysian public hospitals. In addition, there is small number of studies that have looked into the HIS adoption inside the context of Malaysian public hospitals. Hence, by relying on secondary data, the aim of this study is to provide a literature review of HIS adoption as well as to recommend the potential factors that affect the adoption of HIS. To this end, a conceptual multi-level model is proposed by integrating Technology Organization Environment (TOE) framework, institutional theory, and Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Our conceptual multi-level model is proposed based on reviewing the existing literature of Information Technology (IT) adoption theories connected to studies of HIS innovation that consists of four dimensions and corresponding variables. Thus, this study provides a direction for future research to study the relationships of identified contextual factors in our proposed multi-level model that can have a major effect on the adoption of HIS innovation.


Hospital information system, Malaysian healthcare, Technology-organization-environment framework, Institutional theory, Theory of planned behaviour

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