Evaluating the Factors Influencing E-book Technology Acceptance among School Children Using TOPSIS Technique
Technology can change the nature of learning environment. Moreover, different modes of education enhance the ways in which school children learn. Nowadays, the classroom technology includes interactive learning technology, for example, electronic book (e-book) technology. The e-book is a book that is displayed on a computer screen or on an electronic device that is held in the hand, instead of being printed on paper. Acceptance of a new technology such as e-book technology is important for school children in Malaysia. Despite many claimed benefits, the school children would not accept technology without interaction with a computer. The purpose of this study is to identify determinants of usability and interface factors of Children Computer Interaction (CCI) leading to e-book behaviour intention to use for school children. Through the theoretical background unification of behaviour use intention, in particular, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and interdisciplinary literature review relevant to e-book technology, a comprehensive set of constructs and their interrelationship were found as research hypotheses. The research hypotheses build the development of measurement framework, which was specified in an instrument. To find the importance of factors incorporated in the proposed framework, the data is collected by conducting a survey through a structured questionnaire-based instrument comprising 5-point Likert-type scale and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is applied. The results from this study analyses are discussed and a future research is suggested.
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