How Mindset Stimulating Media Affect Blood Pressure

Christina Pahl, Faris Yahya, Nashuha Omar, Nabillah Athirah, Friedhelm Pohl, Eko Supriyanto


The objective of this experiment was to demonstrate how blood pressure responses in human subjects to the consumption of mindset stimulating media. There is little evidence concerning a clear demonstration of blood pressure control in human subjects based on different emotion evoking information. We create the hypothesis that mindset shows significance in blood pressure control as a method to prevent hypertension in a domestic scale. High blood pressure is globally a major health problem and a growing obesity related health factor accounting nearly 30 % of the world population. In order to control hypertension we used mindset influencing information consisting of different emotion stimulating media, which were presented to 15 subjects while blood pressure was continuously measured. The experiment was conducted in a weekly frequency within 6 months. It can be obtained that 42 % of high blood pressure subjects showed the increment of systolic values. For diastolic values, the increment was recorded as 37 %. In total, 44 % of all subjects showed the ability to decrease their systole and 39 % were able to change diastole values while consuming presented media. Lastly, some subjects were able to maintain their blood pressure after the experiment ended with a distribution of 14 % for systolic and 24 % for diastolic values. In conclusion, it can be stated that hypertension subjects are able to reduce their blood pressure during media consumption but are not successful in stabilizing their blood pressure after the interaction with blood pressure influencing media ended. In contrast to that, normal blood pressure subjects require less time to return to their normal blood pressure values and therefore, to their normal health condition. These results are an introduction to a novel method in preventive hypertension control based on home based media consumption.


Blood pressure, Control, Emotion, Hypertension, Media consumption, Mindset, Obesity related disease

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