Evaluation and Validation International Students’ Psychological Wellbeing Scale (ISPWS): Application of Rasch Measurement Model

Shima Mashayekhi, Mohd Tajudin Md. Ningal, Adibah Abdul Latif, Newsha Mashayekhi


Today, the scenario in which people spend their whole lives in one place is no longer true for many. Thus, individuals around the world experience major changes in their lives when relocating and these variations require them to adapt to new situations. There is a lack of assessment instrument related psychological constructs for its occurrence, resulting in a substantial gap in researchers’ understanding of the phenomena. The aim of this study is to prepare a set of useful and valid instrument based on the four important construct to assess psychological wellbeing among international students. This study conducted in five public research universities in Malaysia. The sample consisted of 442 male and female international students. The sampling technique in this research was purposive and quota sampling. The design of this study was conducted as survey research using a set of questionnaire. The result of this study showed the final format of the questionnaire was validated and the instrument is qualified to be used in related future studies to evaluate the overall psychological wellbeing of international students over the worlds based on four main factors which included in this survey (homesickness, mental health, attachment, and spiritual wellbeing). Advances in research on this topic may aid in the development of instrument, helping counselors to scale students’ psychological wellbeing and try to help them to have more successful academical and social life.


Mental health, Homesickness, Attachment style, Spiritual wellbeing, International students

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